Emergency Power Distribution Systems & Solutions | LEX Products

Lex™ Emergency Power Distribution Solutions

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When you consider the fact that a single 30-minute power failure results in an average of $15,709 in loss of business for medium and large businesses, and cost the U.S. economy $150 billion annually, it becomes clear how critical it is to have the proper emergency power distribution systems in place before a disaster or power failure strikes. Luckily, Lex™ has the emergency power distribution systems you need to prevent major loss in the event of an emergency.

Top Industries Affected By Power Loss

Our emergency power distribution solutions can benefit the following industries most affected by power loss:

Now is the time to prepare for storms with emergency power solutions!

Lex specializes in emergency power products designed to withstand rough use and harsh environments – ideal for disaster relief and temporary shelter power applications.
We have hundreds of items in-stock and ready to ship to critical locations impacted by hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters.


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