Customer Testimonial | LEX Products

Customer Testimonials

“We really appreciate how easy it is to work with Lex Products, if only all of our suppliers were good as you my job would be MUCH easier!”


Steve G.

Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control

“Just wanted to pass-along a loud THANK YOU from Clearwing Productions to LEX Products… we received everything to-spec and as expected. It was perfect.

If ever a team member from LEX finds themselves in Phoenix (hopefully not in July or August), please let them know to stop by Clearwing so that we may extend hospitality and gratitude.  You guys are great. Onto the next sale!”


Dane H.

Clearwing Productions

“Your company bailed us out of a tight situation by helping us with an order that a previous vendor ‘walked away from.’ Your willingness to guide us in the right direction and go above and beyond the requirements of your PO is very much appreciated. 

From myself, my team, our customer and our end Army users thank you!

I look forward to working with you in the future.”

Eva M.

General Dynamics

“I think this may have broken a record today – fastest setup and order placement for a new supplier ever.

I’m truly impressed by the Lex Team attention and hustle to get this rolling today!  Thanks again!”

Scott P.


Quality. Innovation. Durability.